All stories by A K BHATTACHARYA

Nirmalaji's New Headache: Food Scheme Extension

Nirmalaji's New Headache: Food Scheme Extension

Rediff.com5 Jan 2023

The free food scheme is driven by electoral considerations, but its long-term fiscal risks outweigh the short-term gains, cautions A K Bhattacharya.

Budget: What Will Nirmalaji Do About Income Tax?

Budget: What Will Nirmalaji Do About Income Tax?

Rediff.com15 Dec 2022

Instead of conceding the demand for a cut in personal income-tax rates, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman should phase out many exemptions in both personal and corporation taxes, suggests A K Bhattacharya.

Don't Make It A Pre-Election Budget, Nirmalaji

Don't Make It A Pre-Election Budget, Nirmalaji

Rediff.com17 Nov 2022

The need of the hour for the government would be to tighten its fiscal belt, recommends A K Bhattacharya.

Revealed: How PM Planned Demonetisation

Revealed: How PM Planned Demonetisation

Rediff.com8 Nov 2022

November 8 marks 6 years after demonetisation. A K Bhattacharya reveals how the prime minister and the RBI worked together for months before Modi's 8 pm speech. A riveting excerpt from The Rise Of Goliath: Twelve Disruptions That Changed India.

How Long Will GST Growth Continue?

How Long Will GST Growth Continue?

Rediff.com27 Oct 2022

It is now becoming increasingly clear that rising imports have played a significant role in sustaining the buoyancy in revenues from GST, notes A K Bhattacharya.

Vishnu Purana Explains The Caste System

Vishnu Purana Explains The Caste System

Rediff.com25 Oct 2022

The Vishnu Purana, notes A K Bhatacharya, ends on a sombre note, but not without offering the hope that those who chant Vishnu's name can still reclaim dharma.

Modi Ignores Vajpayee's Mahaul Mantra

Modi Ignores Vajpayee's Mahaul Mantra

Rediff.com12 Sep 2022

Never before has the need for creating an ambience for economic policy reforms been as critical as it is now, points out A K Bhattacharya.

Capex Has Taken New Turn Under Sitharaman

Capex Has Taken New Turn Under Sitharaman

Rediff.com22 Jun 2022

The dividends for the economy from such a rapid rise in capital expenditure would be huge, observes A K Bhattacharya.

Will Modi Revive Farm Laws?

Will Modi Revive Farm Laws?

Rediff.com6 Apr 2022

But it would be unwise on the government's part not to heed the suggestions made by the experts group, set up by the Supreme Court, in particular the one on involving the states and giving them the flexibility in designing and implementing the farm laws, observes A K Bhattacharya.

3 Things To Note About The Budget

3 Things To Note About The Budget

Rediff.com16 Feb 2022

Budget for 2022-2023 has returned to its agenda for protectionism in the name of creating a self-reliant India, points out A K Bhattacharya.

GST Collections: No Cause For Elation

GST Collections: No Cause For Elation

Rediff.com3 Feb 2022

The broad trends of GST collections will make you wonder if indeed the biggest indirect tax reform in the country has led to a real improvement in revenues, notes A K Bhattacharya.

This Budget Is Harder Than Last Year's

This Budget Is Harder Than Last Year's

Rediff.com28 Jan 2022

The challenges before the coming Budget are more daunting than those in 2021, reveals A K Bhattacharya.

Covid Challenge: Managing The Spending Bulge

Covid Challenge: Managing The Spending Bulge

Rediff.com5 Jan 2022

If the Centre and states are keen on spending more to meet the COVID-19 challenges in the coming year, they must bear in mind the need to raise more resources through taxes and non-tax revenues, suggests A K Bhattacharya.

What will Nirmalaji do in her fourth Budget?

What will Nirmalaji do in her fourth Budget?

Rediff.com20 Dec 2021

The finance minister could well be on her way to setting a record of achieving the biggest single-year reduction in the government's fiscal deficit, explains A K Bhattacharya.

Farmers stir has changed politics and policy-making

Farmers stir has changed politics and policy-making

Rediff.com4 Dec 2021

The Centre's retreat from the farm laws is likely to have a significant bearing on the fate of laws that the Centre has made, for instance, in labour and electricity, predicts A K Bhattacharya.

What will Maharaj do after Maharaja is sold?

What will Maharaj do after Maharaja is sold?

Rediff.com25 Nov 2021

There is no reason for keeping an entire ministry with a total staff strength of 2,300, just for the oversight of a few aviation sector laws and regulatory bodies, notes A K Bhattacharya.

Time to BREAK IAS Stranglehold

Time to BREAK IAS Stranglehold

Rediff.com18 Nov 2021

The government must send out a clear signal that leadership positions at regulatory bodies are not a preserve of retired government officials, argues A K Bhattacharya.

How Centre is squeezing states' revenues

How Centre is squeezing states' revenues

Rediff.com12 Nov 2021

This may lead to the states' combined fiscal deficit to widen much faster, while the Centre may show a smaller or insignificant slippage in meeting its deficit target. The Centre will celebrate over its fiscal prudence, but the states would suffer, A K Bhattacharya points out.

Modi Must Fix His Problems With The States

Modi Must Fix His Problems With The States

Rediff.com5 Oct 2021

Given the many policy areas where the Centre and the states have not been seeing eye to eye in the last few years, it is time the Modi government convenes a meeting of the Inter-State Council, recommends A K Bhattacharya.

Modi Sarkar Isn't Allergic to Privatisation

Modi Sarkar Isn't Allergic to Privatisation

Rediff.com3 Sep 2021

But use of that word -- privatisation -- is not encouraged. This seems to be a classic case of reforms through subtle signals, observes A K Bhattacharya.

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